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From subtle remarks to physical assault, sexual harassment in workplaces comes in many forms. Each type of harassment can be just as traumatic as the next. Victims often suffer emotional distress, poor work performance, and long-lasting psychological, financial, and social repercussions.


Employees should never have to suffer because of someone else’s crass behavior and inappropriate conduct in the workplace. You should never lose your job or not get a job because you denied a supervisor’s request for sexual favors. When you’ve endured sexual harassment at your job site, you need a hard-hitting, yet compassionate sexual harassment attorney to help you obtain justice – and get you the compensation you need and deserve.


At JUSTICEFORABUSE.ORG, our team of premier sexual harassment lawyers fight for hard working employees just like you across the country. Our sexual harassment lawyers handle these delicate situations with respect, ensuring your dignity remains intact during the entire legal process. Our  sexual harassment lawyers fights for every penny you deserve, while guiding you every step of the way.


What is Sexual Harassment or Gender-Based Discrimination ?

The definition of workplace sexual harassment according to  law may seem simple:


  • Unwelcome sexual advances; and/or

  • Unwanted requests for sex; and/or

  • Verbal, pictorial, or physical harassment of a sexual nature; and/or

  • Offensive comments about a person’s sex/gender


Unfortunately, sexual harassment cases are not always that straightforward. There are many nuances and aspects of  law in which many  workers do not know about. Seeking a qualified sexual harassment attorney’s guidance is essential to review the details of your specific sexual harassment claim and to be sure you have a case.


Here’s a crash course in what you need to know about  workplace sexual harassment:


Two types of sexual harassment are recognized under the law Various laws classify sexual harassment in two forms:


  • Quid pro quo. Meaning, “something for something,” this occurs when a condition of your employment is dependent on the acceptance or rejection of sexual advances. For example, your boss demanded you have sex with him or you will be fired. Or your office supervisor offered you a raise in exchanged for sexual favors. This is also known as “direct sexual harassment” in New York.


  • Hostile work environment. This type of sex harassment is more common. A hostile work environment occurs when your work colleagues harass you to the point where it interferes with your work performance, creating an intimidating or threatening workplace. You might refer to hostile work environment as “indirect sexual harassment.”



Our affiliated attorneys are well-versed in City, State, and federal law. A  sexual harassment attorney can give you a better idea of which category your case falls under.


Anyone can be sexually harassed
Whether you are a man, woman, or transgender anti-sexual harassment laws protect your rights as an employee. Under the law, a man can harass a man, a woman can harass a man, a woman could sexually harass a woman, or a man can harass a woman. Sexually harassing a person because of his or her gender identity or status is also illegal.


Furthermore, workplace sexual harassment doesn’t just occur between a supervisor and a subordinate. You might have cause for a lawsuit or EEOC claim if you’ve endured inappropriate behavior from a:

  • Boss

  • Co-worker

  • Executive

  • Subordinate

  • Independent contractor

  • Contractor

  • Customer or client


What are Some Examples of Workplace Sexual Harassment ?


If you’re still confused about what constitutes sexual harassment, you’re not alone. The laws protecting your rights as an employee are broad, complex, and expansive. To help demonstrate what exactly sexual harassment looks like in  workplaces, here are some examples:


  • Giving inappropriate gifts of a sexual nature

  • Making demeaning comments about women

  • Asking a person about his or her sexual history and preferences

  • Repeatedly requesting dates from a person, despite his or her rejection

  • Telling you that to get this job, you must sleep with the hiring manager

  • Inviting you to a hotel room after a work function

  • Showing you pornographic images in the workplace

  • Sending you inappropriate text messages and emails

  • Making suggestive comments about your figure

  • Telling explicit jokes of a sexual nature

  • Refusing to hire women or men for a specific job

  • ​

The list goes on. To clarify,  sexual harassment DOES NOT include consensual relationships or asking someone on a date or to meet for drinks. However, if a consensual office romance goes sour, and one party begins harassing the other, or giving unfavorable reviews, or even firing the other person, that could constitute sexual harassment under New York law.


Sexual harassment isn’t just limited to sexual comments and behaviors. It includes gender discrimination and workplace sexism. You may have been harassed and just not know it. If behaviors make you uncomfortable, leave you feeling embarrassed or ashamed, intimidate you, threaten you, or have any other negative consequences, contact us today to see if you have a claim to learn more about your employee rights. You don’t have to put up with it anymore. You don’t have to endure sexual harassment just for the sake of keeping your job or “fitting in.”



If you suspect you are the victim of sexual harassment in your workplace, your next step is to seek experienced counsel from an attorney affiliated with JUSTICEFORABUSE.ORG. Gather up as much information and evidence as possible. For example:


  • Evidence of your employment

  • Emails between you and your harasser

  • Text messages and social media contact between you and your harasser

  • Human Resources records, if you are able to access them

  • Evidence of your pay and/or lost wages

  • Contact information for potential witnesses

  • Evidence of any psychological counseling you may have received as the result of your harassment

  • Any other proof you suffered damages from sexual harassment

  • ​

Be prepared to be candid and honest about what happened. The details may be traumatic and humiliating. But, we have handled countless cases of sexual harassment. We understand this is difficult to talk about. However, you need to give our sexual harassment lawyers as much detail as possible so we can effectively pursue your case.


Can I Get Money for my Sexual Harassment Case?

No one can tell you if your sexual harassment legal case will be successful or give you an exact dollar amount you might win. However, at JUSTICEFORABUSE.ORG, our affiliate attorneys  work on a 100% contingency fee basis – this means your attorney does not get paid unless he or she successfully recovers money on your behalf. In other words, we don’t take on cases unless we think we can win.


If successful, and depending on where you file a claim and which laws we employ, you may be entitled to compensation for:


  • Lost past and present wages

  • Lost future wages, such as money you might have earned if not for the harassment

  • Lost benefits

  • Expenses regarding a job search and other out-of-pocket-costs

  • Emotional distress

  • Costs associated with seeking psychological treatment

  • Attorneys’ fees

  • Legal costs, such as court fees

  • Punitive damages, which is additional compensation intended to punish and deter your harasser

  • ​

You should know that these types of cases rarely ever see a courtroom. We aim to settle claims through mediation, arbitration, or negotiations. Alternative dispute resolution takes far less time to resolve than litigation. So, if you are concerned about a lengthy legal battle, please keep this in mind.


To submit a claim today use the button below and fill out our form to receive a confidential claim evaluation



Employment Sexual Harrassment 

Portrait with Rainbow Colors

Our Stories

“I thought I was all alone.  Now I know I am not the only one.” 


—  Elizabeth


Were you or a loved one sexually abused by a member of a Church, a School, while in Foster Care or by a public figure?  If so you may be entitled to substantial compensation.


Fill out the form below to have your claim reviewed by our legal team

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